Märklin MHI and Insider Informationen
Dear Club Members,
You can order your Märklin Insider and Trix Club models from us.
All we need from you is your Insider number and the three-digit check digit. You will find both on the back of your Insider card, as well as on your Insider order forms. You can tell us your insider number and check digit by phone, mail or email. The easiest way is our contact form. In the contact form, please select the subject "Märklin Insider Order" and enter your Insider number and check digit in the message.
Delivery will be made in the order in which the order is received.
Märklin Dealer Initiative MHI
We are MHI dealers and are looking forward to new great products.
The Märklin Dealer Initiative unites more than 800 specialty dealers throughout Europe who are distinguished by special service to the customer, exclusive products, and a wide variety of services.
Our service for Märklin drivers: update service of the Märklin CS and Mobile Station (free of charge)